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Genesis & Psalms


Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt .

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Our Daily Bread

Our Daily Bread Ministries

Get daily inspirations and at the same time, read the bible in one year.

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Sermons in French & English

EBC Pastors/Choir(s)

Get for yourself and or friends biblically sound messages and music from EBC Choir(s).

Articles for Primary Schools.

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Textbooks for all subjects


Your child's studies is greatly enhanced by textbooks for the different subjects.

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Word Builders


With these pieces, your child will effectively practice word building.

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Exercise books


Exercise books are an obligation for the child else his/her studies won't progress.

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Pencils and pens


With quality pencils comes great diagrams, figures and maps. Children in every class need them.