Etoug-Ebe Baptist Church


Golden Jubilee; Celebrating Jesus

anniversary logo

Listening to the Holy Spirit; Pressing on with the Mission.
Acts 1:8 & Matthew 28:18 - 20

Join us Celebrate Jesus Christ

Nunc in justo vitae est viverra sodales. Suspendisse ut consectetur nulla, gravida cursus arcu. Quisque tempus felis vitae quam ullamcorper volutpat. Duis id mauris in nibh ultricies viverra.

Curabitur sodales

Pellentesque vehicula magna porta, feugiat erat nec, lobortis arcu. Curabitur sodales orci tortor, non vestibulum nisi vehicula at. Vivamus sem urna, faucibus non risus in, tincidunt sollicitudin magna.

Quisque tincidunt

Pellentesque finibus risus at turpis varius ultrices. Morbi convallis mattis mi, in hendrerit sem iaculis eget.

Quisque venenatis

Integer et elit a mauris ultrices tincidunt. Quisque ullamcorper eros at elementum blandit. Duis lacinia elementum nulla a semper.

Ut id urna in eros consequat venenatis. Vestibulum congue quam tortor, sit amet imperdiet nulla pellentesque ut. Etiam vehicula fermentum ante, id volutpat lorem porta dignissim. Sed ultrices sapien a ligula vestibulum lacinia. Sed ut iaculis quam, non maximus sem. Nullam et felis sapien.

To know more about Etoug-Ebe Baptist Church, Yaounde, download our history

EBC Panorama

March: Focus on the Family

  • Fund raising Seminar
  • Round Table: March 8th at 4 p.m.
  • Couple's retreat
  • Fellowship with Faith Baptist Cchurch Anguissa and Covenant Baptist Church on 25th March, 2023 at 4:00 pm

April: Celebrating our victory as Christians because of the Resurrection

  • Crusade in Mbalngong.
  • Establishing the church, one week to Easter.

May: The Christian and Politics

  • Discipling our politicians... What effective programme?
  • Church in the state, church for the state, church on the state.
  • Another highlight will be here

Former and Current Pastors/Leaders

Here are the Pastors and Appointed Deacons that have served at Etoug-Ebe Baptist Church since she was founded.

Image of Pastor/AD
Pastor: Sed Maximus Molestie
Served from: February, 1990
                to: 1997
Image of Pastor/AD
AD: Cras Volutpat
Served from: February, 1991
                to: 1995
Image of Pastor/AD
AD: Mauris Hendrerit
Served from: February, 1999
                to: 2007
Image of Pastor/AD
Pastor: Laoreet Co
Served from: October, 2000
                to: 2015-08
Image of Pastor/AD
Pastor: Vitae Semper Tellus
Served from: November, 2000
                to: 2009-04
Image of Pastor/AD
Pastor: Tanjong Hilarious
Served from: July, 2013
                to: Present
Image of Pastor/AD
Pastor: Dr. Bomba Elias
Served from: January, 2023
                to: 2023-07